This Meridel is journeying through the deep forest in an effort to discover the hidden tribe of rokurokubi. Not for vengeance or anything. She’s just inviting all the interesting creatures she can find to her 18th birthday party because humans can be awfully boring.  She just met a kongamato last week who seemed really excited at the idea.

The jorōgumo will be bringing cupcakes.

This Meridel comes to us from Samantha Henze who can be found at: Etsy.

This Meridel never expected to enjoy sports, but really enjoys hitting things with a stick. If she had known that physical activity could be so cathartic, she would have joined the team years ago. Her fellow teammates were initially taken aback at her enthusiasm, but they have learned to let her take the lead while they largely focus on keeping opposing players out of her way. 

They used to just let her play without interference, but it turns out that you can run out of opposing players a lot faster than anyone thought.

This Meridel comes to us from Samantha Henze who can be found at: Etsy.

This Meridel gained the power to control the weather from an ancient bracelet that she discovered while on detention and being forced to clean the school’s drama department. She also found a necklace that grants its owner the power to control hummingbirds, an earring that allows the wearer to hear people’s innermost thoughts, and a walking stick that looks really cool.

She gave the necklace to her friend who works at an aviary. She gave the earring to another friend who is studying to be a psychologist. In a fit of anger, she hit her brother with the walking stick and then gave it to him by way of apology. She is keeping the weather power she is running a slow campaign to make the forecaster have a breakdown on live TV.

This Meridel comes to us from Keira Niven who can be found at: Etsy.

This Meridel has had to smile through seven different royal balls. She has met over thirty-two eligible princes. She has endured over fifty boring conversations about duty, responsibility, and the burdens of running a kingdom. She has not received a single offer of marriage.

This Meridel is patiently waiting for prince number thirty-three to discover the frogs in his pockets, trip over his tied-together shoelaces, abashedly apologize to her parents as he backs out the door, slip on the (freshly oiled) front step, and make haste for his own land. This Meridel hopes it happens soon, as she and her girlfriend have a date to watch the stars tonight.

This Meridel comes to us from Noa Harkham who can be found at: Instagram.

This Meridel works at a nursery and has adopted all the neglected plants. She is the local expert for growing water hemlock, deadly nightshade, white snakeroot, castor beans, rosary peas, oleander, purple devil, doll’s eyes, and death camus. Several years of working with the world’s most deadly plants has led her to have little patience for fools as, in her experience, foolishness is a self-correcting character flaw.  

She is generally wary of new acquaintances, preferring to wait a few months to see if they’re going to stick around.

This Meridel comes to us from Wafflecaramel who can be found at: Etsy and Instagram.

This Meridel hails from a distant land and a distant time. Having inherited her grandfather’s watch, she was winding when she accidentally over-wound it and found herself propelling forward in time. Now she explores the infinite future, one winding at a time, exploring each time period until her watch winds down and her personal time stops, at which point she must wind herself forward another decade.

She did not particularly care for the 1950’s, but is really digging this new internet thing. 

Pompeii Ablaze can be found at Deviant Art, Instagram, and Etsy

This Meridel likes to help people. She got a job in a call center and helps people on the phone during the day.  After that, she got a job working in retail, where she helped people find the right books for everything they needed. Wanting to do even more, she got a job in hospitality and helped visitors figure out what to do on their trips. One thing led to another and now this Meridel moves from crossroads to crossroads, dressing up as old women, crotchety men, and mythological creatures of all ilk, offering advice and guidance to people on many different kinds of quests. 

It’s nice to part of so many stories, and being in paid in golden acorns, silver medallions, and dresses made of starlight is pretty cool.

Kayla Tait can be found at ThymeCraft

This Meridel was visiting a physics lab when an explosion fused her with four other Meridels from nearby alternate realities. Now a penta-Meridel, she excels at everything she does, having five minds to think things through with, ten hands to work on projects, and ten eyes to look at problems in different ways.

Lunch takes a while, though.

Vampireactivist can be found at Instagram, Twitter, and Fiverr.

This Meridel is collecting infinity gems and has managed to acquire both the mind and time stones. She is now carefully examining the timestream and identifying where and when she should make alternations to the world in which she lives.

Her goals are to (1) better align resources to needs, reducing systemic inequities throughout the world, (2) move critical scientific discoveries to earlier, reducing human suffering, and (3) pet some dinosaurs.

MyDummyDoodles can be found onInstagram and Etsy.

This Meridel likes the in between spots. She lives in a tent because it is in between being outside and inside. She only ever snacks, because snacks fit between the main meals. She does get a full night’s sleep, because she wants to be awake for the evening and early morning – being the most in betweeny times of the day. She also likes to go hiking as the seasons transition, being the most in between times of the year.

She does not currently attend school because she is taking a gap year.

This Meridel comes to us from Wafflecaramel who can be found at: Etsy and Instagram.

This Meridel lives in the deep forests of Greenland where she must trudge through molten snow in the spring and petrified rain in the fall. Her big clompy boots help her traverse the route between her home and her school every day – where she goes to study history, home economics, and diophantine geometry.

The clompy boots also help to protect her from the ikusik swarms.

KolgraveArt can be found on Etsy

This Meridel attends high school in Transylvania where she is an outcast and non-conformist for not wearing black, not skulking through the school halls, and not randomly biting tourists. She doesn’t care though, because she knows there’s good in everyone and she likes making new friends.

And not like her parents who make new friends from the leftover parts of their old friends.

She’s proud of her scientist parents, but she does wish they didn’t bring their work home with them.

This Meridel comes to us from Wafflecaramel who can be found at: Etsy and Instagram.

This Meridel likes to fly like a butterfly, only she’s not all that good at it.  She is, however, getting a lot of practice plummeting. She doesn’t let that bother her as, after all, you only need to succeed at something once to finally learn it. So it goes, day after day – she goes to school, she comes home, she climbs the nearest tree and leaps out, crashing to the ground moments later.

Still, she doesn’t let it bother her.  After all, lots of caterpillars figure it out and she knows she’s smarter than a caterpillar. She’ll get it eventually.

This Meridel comes to us from Wafflecaramel who can be found at: Etsy and Instagram.

This Meridel studies veterinary medicine after school and at the mythical animal training center on the weekends. She is the first one her friends call when they find a griffon that fell from its nest or wyrm that has lost its way. Meridel is gaining expertise in setting broken wings, fangs, and horns as well as making salves to treat burns, bites, scratches, cuts, slices, disembowelments, petrifications, and partial teleportations. 

She is currently training an emotional support manticore.

Ravinalau can be found atFiverr

This Meridel left home at an early age in search of adventure. After several dungeon crawls, she grew found the challenge lacking and insufficiently intellectually stimulating, so she returned to town and got work as an accountant. While there, she discovered that the bank she had deposited her adventuring loot was insufficiently funded and, as a result, her returns on investment were sub-par.

Today she journeys to distant mountains to find dragons and convince them of the value of re-investing their wealth in their communities, engaging in fierce battles of economic debate that lay waste to entire generations of fiscal thinking.

Rama Hughes can be found at and at Patreon

This Meridel works in the far North, helping to pull sleighs to deliver medicine to the hard-to-reach communities of the northern wastes. Her three built-in magnetometers help her keep her sense of direction while her keen eyesight helps her see through the blowing snow.

She is self conscious and embarrassed by this post.

Ocean Onix can be found at Instagram.

Growing up in Madripoor, Meridel was used to banditry and distrustful of those who purported to enforce the law. However, following the recent power struggle, she has seen what a difference real heroes can make. Now, she is a hero in training, learning to use her powers of illusion to protect civilians and capture those who would do them harm. She is a master of observation and is growing better every day at befuddling the bandits, tricking them into running directly to newly created constabulary, where they can be dealt with under the law.

Luriahirai can be found at as well as on Deviant Art, Art Station, and Instagram.

This Meridel hails from Sagar in Madhya Pradesh. She is the youngest of an old family that once made a mutual pact with a flock of parrots, where the family would plant the fields if the parakeets would collect the seeds with both the family and flock sharing the harvest. The pact has been successful for centuries. 

Meridel can transform herself into a rose-ringed parakeet, to help communication between the clans.

Luftic can be found at Fiverr

This Meridel once had wings. She would soar the skies, well above all earthly concerns, sometimes even forgetting her duty as a guardian – until one day a large and powerful demon attacked. Meridel and the demon fought for seven solid days, causing lighting storms that spread across the entire globe. At the end of the battle, Meridel saw an opportunity to slip past the demon’s guard and was able to pierce both of his hearts with her daggers. Unfortunately, this killing blow left her wings unguarded and the demon ripped them off in his death-throws and they both plummeted toward the ground. 

No longer a guardian, but still immortal, this Meridel now wanders the earth, dreaming of the sky she lost as she, in turn, loses herself exploring all the cultures scattered across the planet.

Kumokuu can be found at on Twitter, Fiverr, and Deviant Art


This Meridel originally discovered her power to punch through time when she was in her late 80’s, but after a few workouts, she later discovered this power at the age of 16. She uses her ability to correct past events, like the 1890 invasion of Canada by President  Russell Alger, the atomic testing on the moon, and the purple plague that devastated Sikkim.

This Meridel also writes fanfic for Sense8, Freaks and Geeks, and Bunheads.

immabunnishop can be found at Etsy, Tumgir, and Twitter