I know this site is for Meridels, but will you accept Mollys?
No. This site is for Meridels only. Mollys are easy to find.

What about Marabels? That’s close?
Nope. Meridels only. Sorry.

I’d like to write an article about watches for you to post!
That is not a question. It is also spam. Go away.

If a train leaves New York City at 8am heading west at 150 kph and another train leaves Honolulu at 6pm, heading east at 80 kph, where will they collide and what will be the force of impact?
They would not collide because Honolulu is on an island and trains don’t run well under water.

The Eurostar Odyssey is a train that can run underwater.
This is also not a question.

I’m gonna take my lek and come sing for you. You’re gonna love it.
OK boomer.

What about Meridas?